Sunday, October 16, 2011

October Morning

This morning was one of those amazingly exquisite Memphis October mornings, balanced so finely between summer and autumn, the air so clear, crisp and dry -- the sun so bright, but lower in the sky, casting the longer shadows of autumn -- the sky a bright, deep blue -- the temperature down in the low 50's.
But the flowers still strongly blooming, monarch butterflies and honey bees visiting the purple asters and swamp sunflowers.  This afternoon it was close to 90 degrees.

The Halloween decorations have to squeeze in amongst the flowers.  Global warming indeed.  Our average frost date is supposed to be October 15.  But our leaves are barely showing color, barely beginning to fall.  The autumn decor looks strange to me amongst the "summer" growth.  But it will not last.  Tomorrow will be another warm day, but the weather service says rain on Tuesday and down into the 30's by Wednesday night.  So for now, we are poised between seasons -- neither fully Summer, nor completely Autumn.

(You can see our half-painted house here -- we are painting the brick "Betsy's Linen", which should help the stone around the entry "pop" a bit.  The as yet unpainted brick is on the left of the doorway).

Linking to House in Roses Show off Your Cottage Monday.


Kathy said...

We are in the in-between season here too. Love your flowers.

Geneva said...

Love this time of year.. especially in a garden like yours. Loved seeing all your photographs! This is our first year in our garden, so I'm hoping next season we'll have a little bit more to show. Yours is an inspiration! TY