Monday, February 20, 2012

Salad Table progess report

I shared how my husband made me a salad table for Christmas here, and how I planted my seeds a few weeks ago.  Last week I had to cover it not only with the garden quilt (which protects down to 25 degrees), but also with an old shower liner when the weatherman predicted our coldest nights so far this winter -- a low of around 20 degrees.  After several cold days and below freezing nights, I uncovered the Salad Table to check on the germination of the seeds.  I have been pleased to find good germination, with the baby seedlings surviving the freeze!  So far, the Salad Table has been a success.

With any luck, I may be making my first harvest of the microgreens in 2 to 3 weeks, and some lettuce and stir fry greens by the end of March.

This past weekend we traveled across the state to Maryville, Tennessee so our 18 yr old could interview for some additional scholarship money at the college there, where she hopes to enroll next fall.  Coming back yesterday we got caught in a snow storm, with near white-out conditions, cars sliding off the interstate on the icy road -- it was quite a hair-raising drive on the Cumberland Plateau heading west.  Too scary to even take pictures!  A reminder, along with our cold snap last week, that it's still winter.  But from Nashville to Memphis it was clear sunshine, and a balmy 50-something degrees.


Clint Baker said...

Man its coming along so nice!

momto8 said...

good luck to your daughter!!! with everything!!
the spring lettuce is so fabulous!!!! I plant it in the spring and fall and really, no one ever gets tired of eating it! can't wait now!!

Farmgirl Heidi said...

Happy Farmgirl Friday Diana!
Your salad table is exciting me. I am really pleased to hear that the seedlings germinated and weathered that patch of freezing temperatures. I have a lexan greenhouse that I hope to have my boys move for me next week. I am going to ask my hubby to fashion me a salad bed like yours (but smaller) inside the greenhouse.

Thank you for sharing this great idea. I have enjoyed watching your progress and I look forward to reading more soon. Have a GREAT weekend and thanks for sharing this with all of us who hop the Farmgirl Friday blog hop.